David Forster RSW is renowned for his intricate skill in the use of watercolour and acrylic as mediums to create an intense atmosphere, manipulating light and accentuating architecture to reinvent a romantic narrative.

In early paintings, David Forster was fascinated by the way in which nature creeps back into the city, and how we model parks and planted spaces to evoke an idealised sense of our relationship with nature, and the stories we tell about it. As Forster's work has moved out into the country, this balance has reversed, with the man-made often now only a tiny element dwarfed by the wild.


David Forster is an Edinburgh based artist whose work has received great acclaim and has been exhibited widely across the country. Since being awarded various prizes from the Royal Scottish Society of Painters in Watercolour and winning first prize in The Sunday Times Watercolour Competition in 2013 he has become known as one of the most accomplished artists in his medium.